As a member of Tokyo Boeki Group, we will comply with the following compliance action guidelines.

Basic Stance

  1. Comply with all matters determined in laws and regulations, employment regulations, in-house rules, etc.
  2. Act in accordance with socially-accepted ideas and common sense

Compliance Areas

1. Guidelines for Business Activities

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations related to exports and imports
  2. Thorough management to ensure secure trade
  3. Compliance with the various commercial laws
  4. Compliance with the non monopoly Act and related laws
  5. Prevention of unfair competition
  6. Protection of intellectual property rights
  7. Thorough information management
  8. Conservation of the environment

2. Guidelines for Tokyo Boeki as a Corporate Citizen

  1. Common sense and moderate business entertaining and gift-giving
  2. Prohibition of entertaining and gift-giving for domestic and foreign public officers that infringes laws and regulations, etc.
  3. Prohibition of donations and political contributions that infringe laws and regulations, etc.
  4. Refusal of all relationships with antisocial forces
  5. Appropriate use of information systems
  6. Prohibition of conflicts of interest, etc.
  7. Appropriate accounting management and tax processing

3. Guidelines for Maintaining an Ideal Workplace Environment

  1. Respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination
  2. Prohibition of sexual harassment
  3. Compliance with laws and regulations, etc. about workplace safety and health