As a member of Tokyo Boeki Group, we will comply with the following compliance action guidelines.
Basic Stance
- Comply with all matters determined in laws and regulations, employment regulations, in-house rules, etc.
- Act in accordance with socially-accepted ideas and common sense
Compliance Areas
1. Guidelines for Business Activities
- Compliance with laws and regulations related to exports and imports
- Thorough management to ensure secure trade
- Compliance with the various commercial laws
- Compliance with the non monopoly Act and related laws
- Prevention of unfair competition
- Protection of intellectual property rights
- Thorough information management
- Conservation of the environment
2. Guidelines for Tokyo Boeki as a Corporate Citizen
- Common sense and moderate business entertaining and gift-giving
- Prohibition of entertaining and gift-giving for domestic and foreign public officers that infringes laws and regulations, etc.
- Prohibition of donations and political contributions that infringe laws and regulations, etc.
- Refusal of all relationships with antisocial forces
- Appropriate use of information systems
- Prohibition of conflicts of interest, etc.
- Appropriate accounting management and tax processing
3. Guidelines for Maintaining an Ideal Workplace Environment
- Respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination
- Prohibition of sexual harassment
- Compliance with laws and regulations, etc. about workplace safety and health